Roasted & Seasoned
Offering include: Oil Roasted; Oil Roasted & Salted; Dry Roasted; 25/27, 30/32, 30/32 aol; 14/8 Diced; 16/8 Diced; 24/16 Diced - both brown skin & blanched; Slivers & Sliverets 16/8s. Other seasonings can be added if desired, such as butter, buttered & salted, and more.
Offering include: Oil Roasted; Oil Roasted & Salted; Dry Roasted; Roasted, Small Pieces; Large Pieces; Splits; W240s, W320s.
Offerings include: Oil Roasted; Oil Roasted & Salted; Dry Roasted; Halves & Pieces; 22/8; In Shell.
Offerings include: Oil Roasted; Oil Roasted & Salted; Dry Roasted; Large Pieces; Small Pieces: Medium Pieces; Fancy Halves.
Offerings include: Oil Roasted; Oil Roasted & Salted; Dry Roasting & Seasoning as desired: style 6, style 5, style 4.
Offerings include: Oil Roasted; Dry Roasted; Whole & Broken.